An historical and biographical dictionary

Livre original : Dictionnaire historique portatif

Auteurs :

Date de publication : 1799

Date d'édition : 1st

Éditeur : Cambridge

Langue de la traduction : English

Langue originale : French

Format : octavo

Volumes : 4 vols

Sujet : Ancient Biography

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Notes : Full title: An historical and biographical dictionary, containing an account of the Hebrew patriarchs and princes, of emperors, kings, and great captains, of the gods and heroes of pagan antiquity, of the popes, holy fathers, celebrated bishops, and cardinals; also historians, poets, orators, divines, lawyers, physicians, &c. with their principal works. learned women, painters, &c. and all persons in general who have been illustrious. Translated from the French of Monsieur the Abb‚ Ladvocat. by Catharine Collignon. 'Printed by John Burges; and to be had of the translator, and of W. Page'.