Emilio de Tipaldo


Notes : Born in Corfù of a noble family,Tipaldo moved to the Veneto around 1810. He was educated in Padova and Venice and developed a particular interest towards the study of classical antiquity. Between 1825 and 1849 he held the chair of history, geography, and maritime law at the 'imperiale collegio della Marina veneta'. Tipaldo published widely in various Italian periodicals; he was editor of contributions on Greek history and literature for the 'Dizionario della conversazione e della letteratura' published in Padova. His most important work was a 'Biografia degli Italiani illustri nelle scienze, lett. ed arti nel secolo XVIII e de' contemporanei compilata da letterati italiani di ogni provincia e pubblicata per cura del prof. Emilio de Tipaldo', 10 voll., Venezia 1834-1845. He became infamous on account of his involvement in the literary inheritance of the great Romantic poet Ugo Foscolo. After the poet's death Tipaldi obtained possession of Foscolo's much sought-after papers and manuscripts professing the intention of publishing them and compiling a biography. But Tipaldi neither began this work nor allowed others to do so, instead obstructing access to the papers. A bibliographical essay on Tipaldo can be found in a cultural guide to Venice by Jules François Lecomte published in 1844. Link: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4QtFAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA704.

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