Mycaenae: A narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns

Livre original : Mykenae. Bericht ber [über?] meine Forschungen und Entdeckungen in Mykenae und Tiryns.

Auteurs :

Date de publication : 1878

Éditeur : United Kingdom - England - London

Langue de la traduction : English

Langue originale : English

Format : cm.23

Illustrations : maps, plans and other illustrations

Sujet : -undefined-

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Notes : An original work in English? Or a translation? German version also published 1878 - have entered it in the originals field. This volume was also published by Scribner, Armstrong & Co. in New York in 1878 According to the BLPC the preface was translated by William Ewart Gladstone