Storia della decadenza e rovina dell'Impero Romano: ..traduzione dall'Inglese

Livre original : The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Auteurs :

Date de publication : 1820-24

Éditeur : Milan

Langue de la traduction : Italian

Langue originale : English

Format : octavo

Volumes : 13 vols.

Google Books link : vol. 1

Google Books link : vol. 2

Google Books link (review) : Il Raccoglitore (1820)

Sujet : Roman History

N'a pas été inspectée visuellement.

Notes : Part of a collection entitled: 'Biblioteca storica di tutte le nazioni'. With a dedication by the publisher Nicolò Bettoni, to Lady Fanny Harley. Includes a preface by the translator, Davide Bertolotti. This states that he used the 1791 edition of the original published in London by Strahan and Cadell. However, the first few volumes are an improved version of the Italian translation published in Pisa in 1779-1786 (see entry). The rest are new translations of further sections of the work not included in that edition. The translator states that in order to counteract Gibbon's religious scepticism he has included after ch. 16 a 'Compendio della confutazione di Gibbon' by the 'Apologista della Chiesa Romana', and after ch. 25 three letters to the English catholics Foothead and Kirk. VC