The history of Rome from the first Punic war to the death of Constantine. In a series of lectures, including an introductory course on the sources and study of Roman history

Livre original : Vorträge über römische Geschichte an der Universität zu Bonn gehalten, herausgeg. Von M. Isler

Auteurs :

Date de publication : 1842

Éditeur : United Kingdom - England - London

Langue de la traduction : English

Langue originale : German

Format : cm.21

Sujet : Roman History

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Notes : Full title as follows: The history of Rome. Vol.3, tr. [from Römische Geschichte] by W. Smith and L. Schmitz. The history of Rome from the first Punic war to the death of Constantine, in a series of lectures, ed. [and tr. from Vorträge über römische Geschichte] by L. Schmitz. Vol.4,5 [entitled]. Which volumes are present here? 3-5? What are individual titles? Which was German title?