The public economy of Athens; to which is added a dissertation on the silver mines of Laurion

Auteurs :

Date de publication : 1828

Date de la seconde édition : 1842

Éditeur : London

Langue de la traduction : English

Langue originale : German

Format : octavo

Volumes : 2 vols

Sujet : Greek History

Type : Standard

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Notes : The first edition was published by John Murray, London. The translation and the preface of 1828 are not signed, probably because the preface is critical. 2 original texts are published together here 1 Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener. 2 vols, Reimer, Berlin 1817-18 2 Über die Laurischen Silberbergwerke. Abhandlung der Berliner Akademie, 1814-15. Berlin 1815. The second edition - revised - of 1842 was published by John W. Parker, London. The translation and the preface are signed by G.C. Lewis. The new preface is less critical than the one in the first edition. - L. Schmitz proofread the translation. VC